- turn indicator
- = turning indicator указатель поворота* * *• измеритель угла поворота• указатель поворота* * *указатель поворота
English-russian automobile dictionary. 2013.
English-russian automobile dictionary. 2013.
Turn indicator — A Turn Indicator is an aircraft flight instrument that shows the rate of turn. It is used by the pilot to maintain control when flying under Instrument flight rules.Attitude and heading indicators function on the principle ofrigidity, but rate… … Wikipedia
Turn Indicator — Wendezeiger in der klassischen Form (turn indicator) Wendezeiger, wie er heute in Motorflugzeugen üblich ist (turn coordinator) Ein Wendezeiger ist ein elektrisch a … Deutsch Wikipedia
turn indicator — noun a blinking light on a motor vehicle that indicates the direction in which the vehicle is about to turn • Syn: ↑blinker, ↑turn signal, ↑trafficator • Derivationally related forms: ↑blink (for: ↑blinker) … Useful english dictionary
turn indicator — Aeron. a flight instrument that indicates the angular rate of turn of an aircraft about its vertical axis. Cf. bank and turn indicator. [1915 20] * * * … Universalium
turn indicator — posūkio rodytuvas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Prietaisas, rodantis orlaivio posūkio greitį ir kryptį. atitikmenys: angl. turn indicator pranc. indicateur de virage … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
turn indicator — An instrument that displays the aircraft’s rate and direction of turn. See turn and slip indicator … Aviation dictionary
turn indicator — /ˈtɜn ɪndəkeɪtə/ (say tern induhkaytuh) noun an instrument that indicates the rate of turn of an aircraft about its vertical axis …
bank-and-turn indicator — /bangk euhn terrn /, Aeron. a flight instrument that combines a bank indicator and turn indicator in a single unit. Also called turn and bank indicator, turn and slip indicator. * * * … Universalium
bank-and-turn indicator — /bangk euhn terrn /, Aeron. a flight instrument that combines a bank indicator and turn indicator in a single unit. Also called turn and bank indicator, turn and slip indicator … Useful english dictionary
bank and turn indicator — noun Etymology: bank (I) : turn and bank indicator … Useful english dictionary
Turn and bank indicator — Wendezeiger in der klassischen Form (turn indicator) Wendezeiger, wie er heute in Motorflugzeugen üblich ist (turn coordinator) Ein Wendezeiger ist ein elektrisch a … Deutsch Wikipedia